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The Biggest Way to Not Make Money

Hey there, buddy! I’ve been thinking about something that’s been weighing on me a lot lately. We all encounter this at some stage, particularly when we're managing our own businesses, pursuing our passions, or simply aiming to make that next big move in life. Are you ready? It's all about fear.

Fear can really creep up on you, you know? It's like this invisible wall we put up around ourselves without even noticing it sometimes. I’ve experienced it firsthand in my journey as a photographer, videographer, and podcaster. It sneaks in, softly whispering, “Don’t take that risk,” “Play it safe,” or the familiar “You’re not good enough for that.” It's really those thoughts that keep us from moving forward more than anything else. You know what? Fear really holds people back from making money.

Hey, just to be clear. Fear can actually come in handy—like when you're being chased by a lion or something like that. But when you're dealing with business, creativity, and making money, it can really hold you back in ways you might not even realize until it's already too late. Fear isn’t only this big, intense feeling; it’s those little, sneaky doubts that creep into your thoughts. They hold you back, cause you to doubt yourself, and in the end, prevent you from taking the steps you need to grow.

The Fear of Failure

This is really big. Honestly, we've all been there—everyone has dealt with that fear of failing at some point. It's just part of who we are. Thinking about trying something new, right? Maybe a fresh approach for your business or even expanding your services? But then that nagging voice chimes in, “What if it doesn’t work?”

Here's a little story from my own journey. When I first kicked off Studio L7, my photography business, I couldn’t shake this worry that nobody would want to hire me. What if folks aren’t into my work? What if I’m not good enough? I held off for weeks on reaching out to clients or putting myself out there. I was really worried that everyone would just laugh at me, and that fear held me back.

When I think about it, I see that fear held me back from reaching potential clients. There were folks out there looking for a photographer, and here I was, just sitting on the sidelines, feeling too scared to jump in. As soon as I pushed through that fear, even just a bit, everything began to shift. As clients started to come in, I felt my confidence building up. You know what? When you face your fears, even if things don’t go perfectly at first, you end up learning and growing, and that’s just so valuable.

If I had let that fear of failing hold me back, I definitely wouldn’t be where I am now, running a successful photography studio and doing what I love. Honestly, the cash really didn’t start coming in until I decided to just go for it and thought, “Why not, let’s see where this takes me.”

Fear of Rejection

This is another important piece that connects to everything we’re involved in. For many of us in creative fields, that fear of rejection can feel like a big, looming shadow. When you create something—a photograph, a video, or a podcast episode—it really feels like you’re sharing a part of yourself with the world. What if folks aren’t into it? What if they really don't like it? What if they see me as a fraud?

There was a time, not too long ago, when I was out there trying to pitch my work to some bigger brands. Honestly, the photography industry can be pretty challenging. Pitching myself to companies felt like I was just asking to get hit in the stomach repeatedly. I kept wondering, “What makes me stand out compared to others?” Why even bother? That thought really held me back from reaching out for a long time.

I came to understand that my fear of rejection was really stopping me from seizing opportunities. I was already telling myself “no” before anyone else even got a chance to weigh in. Honestly, that's probably the worst thing you could do. Don't hold yourself back! Once I accepted that rejection was just a part of the journey, things started to feel a lot easier. Oh, for sure, I've faced my fair share of rejections. It’s surprising how some brands just didn’t take the time to respond to my emails. But then some people agreed.

I began collaborating with companies I never imagined I’d get to work with, all because I decided to put myself out there, even though I was scared. Every “no” brought me one step closer to a “yes.” Each time I confronted that fear and took a step forward, I unlocked the potential to earn more money.

Fear of Success (Yes, It’s Real!)

Here’s something that doesn’t get talked about as often, but it can be just as crippling: the fear of success. That sounds a bit odd, doesn’t it? Seriously, what’s the deal with people being scared of success? Honestly, you’ve got to believe me, it’s totally a real thing.

When everything starts to fall into place, your business is thriving, and the cash flow is looking good, it’s funny how that little voice creeps in, making you wonder if you really deserve all this success. Or even worse, what if you can’t keep it up? This fear quietly asks, “What if it’s all just luck?” or “What if people find out I’m just winging it?”

I’ve experienced it myself in my career. There were moments when I’d land a massive project or a big client, and rather than feeling like I was on cloud nine, I’d just freak out. Do you think I could deliver? Did I bite off more than I could chew? That fear can really cause you to hold yourself back, making you second-guess everything and ultimately not perform at your best.

You know, it's interesting how the fear of success can be just as paralyzing as the fear of failing. It might hold you back from tackling bigger challenges or pursuing more rewarding opportunities because you're concerned about your ability to manage it. But you know what? I’ve figured out that you can totally handle it. The skills that brought you this far will help you reach the next level, and that fear of success? It's just a little trick your brain uses to keep you feeling “safe.” It’s not real, you know.

Fear of the Unknown

This is the one that really trips up a lot of folks. It's that fear of what you don't know that holds you back from taking risks, exploring new things, or venturing into unfamiliar territory. We tend to go with what we know because it gives us a sense of security. But you know what? Money, growth, and success really don’t come from hanging out in your comfort zone.

I can still recall when I first dipped my toes into creating video content. Photography had been my main gig for years, and I felt right at home there. I was familiar with my equipment, my workflow, and the people I worked with. So, what about video? That was like stepping into a whole new world. Editing, scripting, storytelling—it was like I was beginning all over again, and honestly, it scared me a bit. What if I'm not good at it? What would happen if nobody cared?

I pushed through that fear of the unknown, and you won't believe what happened next! It really opened up a whole new way for me to make money. I’ve been diving into commercial videography lately, and it’s really taken off as a big part of my business now. If I had let that fear hold me back, I would have missed out on a huge opportunity.

Jumping into the unknown can definitely feel a bit daunting, right? But if you just stay put and keep doing the same thing, that's when you really start to lose out on money. The world is always changing, and it’s important to keep up and grow along with it. Fear tries to hold you back, but real growth—both financially and personally—happens when you welcome the unknown.

How to Get Past the Fear

So, what do we do about all this fear? How do we move past it so we can start making the money we deserve? Here are a few things that have worked for me, and I hope they can help you too.

1. Acknowledge It: Don’t try to pretend you’re not afraid. Acknowledge the fear. Say it out loud if you have to. “I’m scared of pitching this idea.” “I’m afraid of failing.” When you recognize fear for what it is, it loses a lot of its power over you.

2. Take Small Steps: You don’t have to conquer your fears in one giant leap. Take small steps. If you’re afraid of rejection, start by reaching out to one or two potential clients. If you’re scared of failure, try something new on a smaller scale before going all in.

3. Reframe Failure: This one is big. Failure isn’t the end; it’s part of the process. Every time you fail, you learn something new. Failure is just feedback, and it’s essential for growth. The more you fail, the closer you get to success. I know that sounds cliché, but it’s true.

4. Surround Yourself with Support: Fear grows in isolation. Talk to people who have been where you are, who understand the challenges you’re facing. Surround yourself with positive influences who can remind you of what you’re capable of when the fear starts creeping in.

5. Visualize Success: I know it sounds a bit out there, but visualization works. Picture yourself succeeding. Imagine the feeling of landing that client, closing that deal, or reaching that new milestone. When you focus on the success instead of the fear, it becomes easier to push through the tough moments.

Wrapping it up

Fear often holds people back from making money, but it doesn't have to be that way. The most successful people I know aren’t without fear—they’ve just figured out how to move past it. They've figured out how to take action, even when they're feeling scared. Fear is always going to be around, but it's really up to you to choose whether it takes the lead or you do.

Hey there! So, the next time you feel that fear creeping in—whether it’s about failing, getting rejected, succeeding, or just the unknown—keep this in mind: Fear is just a little speed bump, not a big roadblock. You really have what it takes to make it, and once you push through that fear, you’ll find that the money and opportunities are just waiting for you on the other side.

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