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Finding Clients and Building Your Brand

by Robert Gallagher

Hey there, friend! You know, I've been reflecting on something that's really influenced my path over the years: figuring out how to attract clients and establish your brand as a creative professional. I completely understand how challenging this can be, especially if you're new to it or shifting gears in your career. Honestly, it’s not as intimidating as it seems. Creating real connections is super important, and even though it requires some time, effort, and a bit of planning, it definitely pays off in the long run.

Finding Clients: The Long Game

Alright, everyone, let’s be honest for a moment: getting clients is really about playing the long game, not just a quick sprint! Especially in areas like photography, videography, podcasting, and all those fantastic creative fields! For sure! Sure, you can definitely land a client from a random recommendation or a quick Google search, but honestly, most clients come from those strong relationships and the great reputation you’ve built over time. It's really all about building that connection and trust, isn't it? Hi there, everyone! 🌟 Hey, I thought I'd share a bit of what I've learned along the way. I've been running my own businesses—Studio L7 and Photography by Gallagher—for over 30 years now, and honestly, building my client base was definitely not something that happened overnight! It really requires some time and commitment, you know? πŸ’ͺ✨

Networking Isn’t Just for Suit-and-Tie Events

Networking can really have a negative reputation, don’t you think? Networking often gets a bad rap as just handing out business cards at dull conventions, but really, it’s way more genuine and relaxed than that! Networking is really about showing up in the right spots that can take my business to the next level! Getting involved in online communities, going to local meetups, or having real chats with people in your field—it's all about being consistent! πŸ’« Some of my best clients have come from connections that didn’t even seem like “networking” at the time. Isn’t that crazy? Having a laid-back coffee chat with another creative can really open the door to some great recommendations or even a future partnership! ☕✨

Hey everyone, if you're on the hunt for clients, one of my top tips is to focus on building connections right in your community! You’ll see, it really makes a big difference! Just think about all the amazing things that could happen! It's really about making those connections with local businesses, attending industry events, and being that approachable person everyone feels comfortable talking to. Let's get it done! I recently stumbled upon some fantastic local clients just by dropping into spots like Bad Bakers in Roseville! I picked up a coffee and had a laid-back conversation with the owner about what they’re looking for in product photos. It was an awesome vibe! It was a really relaxed vibe, just a casual conversation where I could share my passion for food photography, and they totally saw the potential connection!

Word of Mouth is Your Best Friend

You know, I have to say, word-of-mouth referrals have really changed the game for me over the years! Word of mouth is such a fantastic tool, and you know what the best part is? It’s totally free! Just keep in mind that it takes a bit of effort on your part to make it work. To get those awesome referrals, it’s really about making sure every client you work with is super happy with what you do! They should definitely feel like they got way more value than what they put in! So, how do you actually do that? It's really about being present, achieving great outcomes, and making teamwork easy and enjoyable!


When I mention being “easy to work with,” I’m not just talking about someone who constantly agrees. It's really about being reliable, staying in touch, and making sure everyone knows what's expected! My fantastic clients keep returning because they really appreciated how I made everything—whether it was a quick pack shot or a detailed food photography session—so easy and completely stress-free! πŸ’–✨ It’s really about striking that ideal balance between showing off your skills and being approachable and ready to collaborate!

I’ve really realized how important it is to just ask—connecting with your clients for those fantastic referrals and great reviews! Hey there, everyone! Hey, just a quick reminder that a lot of folks are more than happy to refer you if they really liked what you did. Sometimes, all it takes is a little nudge! πŸ’–✨ Hey there, amazing friends! 🌟 Once you've finished an awesome project, how about shooting a quick follow-up email? See if they know anyone who might find your services helpful or, even better, if they'd be up for leaving a fantastic review on your website or social media! Let’s keep the positive energy going! πŸ’–✨ It's really incredible!

Build Your Online Presence and Portfolio

If you've been around for a bit, you probably realize that your online presence is like your virtual storefront. Before potential clients get in touch, they're likely to look you up online. That's why it's important to ensure your website, portfolio, and social media really reflect your brand the way you want it to. It’s not about having the fanciest or most complicated website; it’s really about making sure your work stands out and that people can easily find the info they’re looking for.

It's super important to have a clean and easy-to-navigate website, especially when it comes to photography or videography. Your portfolio should really shine and take center stage. Make sure to showcase the best of what you’ve done—especially the projects that align with the clients you’re hoping to attract. I wanted to focus on food and beverage photography because that's where I saw myself growing. If you have experience in different niches, consider organizing your portfolio. This way, potential clients can easily find the type of work that catches their eye.

Social media is a whole different ballgame, but it's something you just can't overlook. Instagram has really taken off for photographers and creatives, so if you haven't joined yet, now's the perfect moment to dive in. It's not necessary to post every single day, but keeping a consistent schedule really matters. Share your work, connect with your followers, and let your personality shine through! Clients really appreciate knowing there’s a genuine person behind the camera.

Building Your Brand: It’s More Than a Logo

So, let’s chat about branding. When we talk about “brand,” we usually picture logos, fonts, and color schemes, but creating your brand goes so much deeper than that. It’s all about how you show up, how you chat with others, and the vibe people get when they connect with your business. Your brand really reflects who you are, what you stand for, and the special flair you bring to the table.

My brand has always been about being friendly, imaginative, and focused on the little things. I’ve always taken pride in delivering great photography, but I also want my clients to know that I’m here to help them with any issues, not just to snap beautiful photos. Your brand should show off not just what you do, but also the experience you offer.

Authenticity is Everything

Here’s the deal: folks can sense when something isn’t genuine from far off. It’s super important for your brand to really reflect who you are. Just be yourself; otherwise, you might end up attracting the wrong clients. I’m not really the type of photographer who goes for those highly stylized, super produced images. I like to keep my style clean and sharp, really paying attention to the details. I love using vintage lenses and my trusty 9-year-old cameras. They give me that perfect look I’m after, and it’s really become a part of my brand’s story. Clients who connect with that come to me because they know that's exactly what I provide.

This goes for how you show up both in real life and on the internet. Just be you. If you’re chill and relaxed, make sure that vibe shines through in how you communicate and on your social media. If you prefer a more formal and polished style, then embrace that as well. Being genuine helps you earn trust, and trust is key to landing a job.

Your Niche is Your Superpower

It took me some time to realize—though I really wish I had figured it out sooner—the importance of niching down. When you're just getting started, it's easy to feel like you should say yes to every opportunity that pops up. It's great that you're looking to build your portfolio and gain some experience! But over time, you might notice that trying to do too much can water down your brand. It's totally fine to be recognized for one thing and excel at it.

I've really found my groove in food and beverage photography lately. You know, I've dabbled in everything from portrait photography to corporate shots over the years, but I've realized that by narrowing my focus, I've actually opened up more opportunities. These days, when folks think of me, they picture someone who really knows how to capture stunning, detailed food photography. It's helped me charge more, land better gigs, and, most importantly, work on projects that I really love.

Consistency is Key

One of the easiest yet often ignored parts of branding is consistency. Your brand really needs to come together nicely at every point of contact—whether someone’s browsing your website, scrolling through your Instagram feed, or checking out your emails. It doesn't mean everything needs to be exactly the same, but the general vibe should definitely match.

If your website has a minimalist and clean look, you probably wouldn’t want your Instagram to be packed with cluttered, heavily edited photos. Make sure your tone stays consistent as well. If you’re keeping it fun and chatty in your emails, there’s no need to suddenly get all formal on social media. Being consistent really helps people trust you and makes your brand stick in their minds.

Client Experience is Part of Your Brand

You know, a lot of folks don’t really consider this, but how you treat your clients plays a big role in shaping your brand. It’s not just about doing great work; it’s really about the whole experience, starting from that first contact all the way to the final product. Do you usually reply to emails? Hey, do you usually meet your deadlines? Do you share your pricing openly? It's funny how those little things can really pile up, right? They can totally make or break how people see you.


I really aim to make it easy and fun for everyone to work with me. I always keep my clients updated during the whole process, I’m clear about timelines and what they can expect, and I ensure they feel listened to. At the end of the day, folks really prefer to team up with someone who not only delivers excellent results but is also enjoyable to work with.

Wrapping it up

Building a successful brand and finding clients isn’t something that happens overnight, but if you focus on being authentic, building real relationships, and delivering quality work consistently, you’ll start to see the fruits of your labor. Remember, it’s all about the long game.

We’re all in this together—learning, growing, and evolving as creative professionals. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that your passion and dedication will always shine through. Keep pushing, keep connecting with people, and most importantly, keep creating work that you’re proud of. The right clients will find you.

Let’s chat more over coffee sometime soon!

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