Fwd: Deconstructing the Lighting of Helmut Newton
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From: BREED Newsletter <hello@jointhebreed.com>
Date: February 17, 2016 at 3:55:54 PM PST
To: <bigbobby40@gmail.com>
Subject: Deconstructing the Lighting of Helmut Newton
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Deconstructing the Lighting of Helmut Newton
The Ultimate Fashion Photography Resource.
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Deconstructing the Light: Helmut Newton
The Breed Team is back in the studio to present another episode of
Deconstructing the Light. Today, we are going to tackle one of Helmut Newton's photographs. As I mentioned in the video, this photograph that we chose is from one of my favorite bodies of work that Newton photographed, called Big Nudes. Deconstructing the Light: Helmut Newton
Fashion Photography Lighting Class Download
The business of fashion photography is highly competitive and unforgiving. It is vital to have a great knowledge of the tools of the trade in order thrive and produce work at a professional level. Lighting is the essence of photography, and oftentimes an understanding of light and the techniques required to compose a photo with exceptional lighting often differentiates the professionals from the amateurs.
View Class details: Fashion Photography Lighting
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