Fwd: Price like a Business, Not an Artist
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From: BREED Newsletter <hello@jointhebreed.com>
Date: January 29, 2016 at 9:34:45 AM PST
To: <bigbobby40@gmail.com>
Subject: Price like a Business, Not an Artist
Reply-To: BREED Newsletter <hello@jointhebreed.com>
Price like a Business, Not an Artist
The Ultimate Fashion Photography Resource.
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Price like a Business, Not an Artist
We all like to think we get hired based on the strength of our work alone but unfortunately that's bull. How many of you have actually sat your clients down and found out why they chose you on a job and what process they went through to make that decision? How to price your work & more importantly your time
3 hour comprehensive course on Fashion Photography
Melissa Rodwell will show you step by step how to get started and succeed. From lighting, gear, and the technical aspects of capturing fashion images; to the importance of putting together a great team; to understanding the business side; to marketing your portfolio Fashion Photography Exposed
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